See a selection of bibles and manuscripts from across the world, from Durham Cathedral's archive. Find more about their history and how they arrived in Durham, and learn why one Bible was buried for years!
Discover Bibles and manuscripts from as early as 700s and 1100s, and see the difference between early Bibles and the new style of Bible, introduced from the 1200s. Get up close to the rarely seen Durham Gospels, the 'older sister' to the famous Lindisfarne Gospels.
Glorious Gospels! is the latest collection gallery exhibition, where you can see the first complete Bible printed in England and the first officially approved Bible translation into modern English.
From 4 July to 13 October, focus on the unique details of the covers and pages in Bibles and manuscripts, including a hand-embroidered cover and special edition Mother of Pearl Bible.
On display every day until 13 October 2024
Check museum opening times and book a ticket here