Lent Talks: Inestimable Love: The General Thanksgiving from the Book of Common Prayer - Dean of Durham, The Very Reverend Dr Philip Plyming

Sunday 13 April 2025 5:00pm

This is the final talk in this year's Lent Talks series, this talk will take place at 5pm in the Galilee Chapel, prior to Bach’s St John Passion being sung at 6pm in the Cathedral.

Every Sunday during Lent, speakers from a range of traditions will introduce a special prayer which has helped them pray over the years. Talks take place in the Quire at Durham Cathedral on Sundays after Evensong and will conclude with silence as all are invited to use the prayer for ourselves in a time of quiet meditation.

This final talk will be from Dean of Durham, The Very Reverend Dr Philip Plyming and take place at the earlier time of 5pm in the Galilee Chapel.

See all Lent Talks here.


No booking required.