Meet Kathryn, Durham Cathedral's new Curate

Published: Friday 14 July 2023

We're proud to announce that Kathryn Thubron has been appointed as the new cathedral Curate.

Kathryn joined the cathedral following her ordination in July, and we asked her a few questions to introduce herself and to get to know her a little better.

How does it feel to be the first Durham Cathedral Curate in living memory?

"It's a incredible privilege, and I'm looking forward to starting."

What are you most looking forward to about the role?

"I am looking forward to becoming part of the community, it's such a varied community and I'm looking forward to getting stuck in and learning more about what goes on at Durham Cathedral."

Over your next few years what are your hopes for the role?

"I would love to explore the lives of the Saints more, and try and develop new ways of sharing those stories with people who visit from all over the world and of course with people of the north east. We have such grand stories with Bede and Cuthbert and all the northern saints to promote."

Kathryn Thrubon

Image: From the Diocese, taken the pre-ordination retreat at Auckland Castle.

Where is your favourite place in Durham?

"Durham Cathedral definitely! In particular the Galilee Chapel with Bede's tomb, I'm originally from Sunderland so Bede and Biscop are very important to me and it is a privilege the be able to pray alongside Bede."

What do you like doing in your spare time?

"Well, I have two young and boisterous boys so I'm usually doing whatever they do, which at the moment includes riding our bikes and lots of messy activities!"

Durham Cathedral welcomes pilgrims from all over the world, can you tell us why is pilgrimage special to you?

"Pilgrimage has a long history in Christianity, and at Durham Cathedral especially along with Lindisfarne. I think pilgrimage has an interesting history and it's great that we are now in a position that we can offer pilgrimage part of Christian worship and I'm keen to explore that further whilst I am here."

What has been a personal highlight of your journey so far?

"Studying at Cranmer Hall has been a huge privilege, not only because it is right next to Durham Cathedral but it has been a very varied place to study, alongside some very interesting people and very knowledgeable tutors - so I am very grateful for that."

Hear Kathryn in her own words