About Durham Cathedral's services of worship
Our regular services are dignified but warm, following set patterns laid out by the Church of England. We follow a daily rhythm of Morning and Evening Prayer, with a celebration of the Eucharist or Holy Communion every day. The evening services and several of the services on Sunday are sung by Durham Cathedral Choir, a choir of adults and children.
Download the service schedule
Download the service schedule for 20 January - 2 February Download the service schedule for 6 January - 19 JanuaryUsual service times
Sometimes service times change due to other events taking place at the cathedral. Please check our calendar for details of upcoming services information.
Monday to Saturday
8.30am Morning Prayer
12.30pm Holy Communion
5.30pm Evening Prayer or Evensong
8.45pm Compline (this online-only service takes place on Mondays only)
8am Holy Communion
10am Sung Eucharist (and Junior Church in the Chapter House)
11am Refreshments in the Galilee Chapel
11.30am Matins
3.30pm Evensong or Evening Prayer
Do I need to book to attend a service?
You don’t need to book a place for our usual daily services.
Upcoming services
Evensong on the Eve of the Conversion of Paul
5:30pm to 6:15pm •The Nave
sung by the Lay Clerks and Scholars
Responses Daniel Cook
Psalm 149
Philip Moore in A
Mihi autem nimis Tallis