The hidden beauty of the Last Supper table

Published: Monday 6 February 2023

The Last Supper table may appear to be simple and roughly made, but this ordinary looking object hides a beautiful and intricate interior.

Set with a jug of wine, basket of unleavened bread, and a plate with one of the loaves broken onto it, the unopened table is unassuming and rustic looking. Once opened however, beautiful inlaid designs are revealed symbolising elements of the Eucharist (Communion) and the Last Supper. In this form it becomes an altar.

Did you know?

  • The Last Supper table was created by artist Colin Wilbourn during his time as Artist in Residence at the Cathedral in 1987/88
  • It is made from 500 year-old oak reclaimed from the historic Belfry tower.
  • The table is one of several sculptures you can see at the Cathedral created by Colin.

Where to spot it

The Last Supper table is used during the Maundy Thursday Communion service which takes place the Thursday before Easter. During this service we recall the Last Supper Jesus shared with his disciples. It is opened to become the Communion table at this time.

At other times of the year you can see the closed, rustic side of the table displayed in the Galilee Chapel. We keep it untouched (apart from a little regular dusting) as some of the carvings are very fragile.

See the Last Supper table