When are the sessions?
Rehearsals take place at The Chorister School in The College (next to the cathedral) on Saturday mornings from 9.30am during term time.
Older children regularly perform informal celebrations to show their families and supporters their progress as well as larger concerts with the Cathedral Choir and Consort of Singers.
What are the sessions?
There are four sessions:
Chimes – for children aged 1-5, from 9-9.45am
Minstrels – for children aged 5-7, from 9-9.45am
Training Choir – for children aged 8-11, from 10am-12pm
Chamber Choir – for children aged 13-17, from 10am-12pm
What to expect
- Chimes: In Chimes, we welcome pre-school aged children from babies and toddlers to those who have already started nursery. Children and their carers take part in musical activities, games and songs. They are encouraged to sing, play, explore and listen to music. All activities are designed to introduce your child to the elements of music: pulse, rhythm, pitch, dynamics, and texture. Whilst having fun, the children are not only developing the foundations of musicianship but also their confidence, motor skills and language skills.
- Minstrels: The Minstrels learn and have fun through singing and musicianship games. Children sing a wide variety of songs and play music games to encourage social interaction, physical coordination and self-confidence. They learn to pitch simple melodies in their heads, and grasp basic pulse and rhythm.
- Training Choir: This choir is a more traditional choir, learning songs for concerts and performances. There is a focus on developing the ability to sing in parts using rounds and canons as a starting point. It also builds on the singers’ knowledge of rhythm and pitch. Singing and rhythm games help enhance musical understanding.
- Chamber Choir: Chamber Choir works on the skills the singers have learnt previously, as well as offering them more performance opportunities. Past projects have included taking part in youth operas, the National Festival of Music for Youth competition and large scale projects such as oratorios in partnership with other local choirs. The next project will be the North East premiere of James Burton’s Lost Words.