Alington Memorial
Hung on the east wall of the Galilee Chapel, is a wooden memorial with glistening gold writing.
It remembers the lives of Cyril Alington, the Dean of the Cathedral from 1933-1951, and his wife Hester.
Interesting facts
- George Pace (1915-1975) designed the memorial with letter working by Frank Roper (1914-2000).
- It hangs above the tomb of the Venerable Bede. Bede (672-735) was famous for studying and teaching many different subjects. From maths to astronomy, poetry to history, he was particularly known for his bible studies.
- The words are a quote from Bede’s ‘Commentary on the Apocalypse’: “Christ is the Morning Star who, when the night of this world is past, brings to his saints the promise of the light of life, and opens everlasting day”.
Notable people
Cyril Alington
Dean Cyril Alington saw the cathedral through the Second World War. He was known for his community spirit. During Christmas, he held great parties for the wartime choristers. The boys played a game where they pinned letters to their backs to spell out mystery Latin words.
The Dean had a habit of chewing daisies as a natural painkiller, he chewed so many that Junior choristers were expected to pick them and put them in piles on his windowsill.
Hester Alington
Hester Alington was well respected in her community. With her persuasive manner, she once managed to stop a power station from being built in sight of the cathedral by writing to the War Cabinet. The couple sadly lost a son during the Second World War. Today you can still see his memorial stained glass window in the Nave.
Follow the guided tour
You’re in: The Galilee Chapel You’re at: Alington Memorial Next stop: Last Supper Table
- Look behind you and walk towards the back corner of the room
- Here you will find a carved wooden table