The Annunciation
Placed in the middle of the Galilee Chapel and facing west is a striking woodcarving of the Annunciation to Mary by the artist Józef Pyrz, added in 1992.

The Annunciation is a Christian celebration held on March 25 to commemorate when the Angel Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary that she would be the mother of Jesus Christ.
Most artistic representations of the Annunciation include both Mary and Gabriel, so this humble carving of Mary looking so serene is particularly special.
The artist Polish sculptor Józef Pyrz (1946-2016) settled in France in his early adulthood and was known as Poland’s first hippie. He was also a poet and philosopher.
Thoughts and reflections
How does the sculpture make you feel?
“It reminds us of African sculptures with its beautiful face and flowing lines. We sense that this is a woman of wisdom and experience, whose life and the suffering of life seem to line her face like the grains of wood. There is repose and reflectiveness here – St Luke tells us how Mary meditated on all that had happened at the birth of Jesus in her heart. But there is also a readiness and a willingness to embrace what God is calling of her.”
Rev Michael Burgess in 2012
Follow the guided tour
You’re in: The Galilee Chapel You’re at: The Annunciation Next stop: The Langley Tomb

- Directly behind the Annunciation you will see the Langley Tomb